Polyfuze HT Labeling Material Testing LDPE

Polyfuze Graphics Corporation demonstrates the new Polyfuze label as it fuses with many plastic material types. For those that are new to the Polyfuze Fusion label, it is applied with standard hot stamping equipment and is manufactured for application on olefin-based resins.

This blog series will cover several plastic material types over the next month. In each post, Jason Brownell, our VP Sales Manager at Polyfuze Graphics Corporation, will demonstrate application on a new material type that the Polyfuze HT has been formulated for. Jason will also explain some of the subtle differences and troubleshooting areas that may occur with each material and how to achieve the best settings for each.

If you have already tried using a Polyfuze Graphic but are struggling to get a consistent result, then this series can jump start your success back on track for better production efficiency, more profits and less scrap for a better branding experience.

Polyfuze – Material Testing Episode 3 (Low Density Polyethylene):

In the third video of this series, we will be fusing the Polyfuze label into Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE). LDPE, a thermoplastic made from the monomer ethylene, are strong and have grown since 1933 in their production and popularity due to their versatile capabilities.

LDPE is commonly used for trays, containers, bottle dispensers, plastics bags, snap on lids, soft drink six pack rings, milk carton waterproof lining, playground slides and plastic wrap. Since LDPE is a lower “density” plastic, it has a bit less mass compared to its volume, and makes it a little more pliable than HDPE. LDPE is quite flexible and tough, but the difference in molecular structure require a different set of hot stamping settings compared to HDPE or other plastics.

When stamping LDPE plastic you will need to set your machine at 550F and use a high temperature silicone die that is 80 durometer.  Then start with a dwell time of about .8 seconds.  You can work up or down from there as needed.  You may also want to add 1.6 seconds of head up delay since everything is in a molten state.

Remember, when the graphic has been successfully transferred, verify the permanence and 100% fusion of the Polyfuze labels into your LDPE plastic by doing a standard ASTM Tape Test.

To learn more about the Polyfuze HT labeling technology for Polypropylene, contact us here. View our Polyfuze HT label testing on HDPE here or testing on Polypropylene here.

References: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-density_polyethylene

About the Author

Easy To Apply - Polyfuze Labeling Using the VERSAFLEX System

Easy To Apply Polyfuze Labels - Using Standard Hot Stamp / Heat Transfer Equipment

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