Pocket-Sized Game of Catch Is Flying Fast

Many of us may have memories of playing catch in the back yard with a parent or grandparent. We started out slow, controlled, and deliberate, ensuring each throw and catch was executed and received properly. While the traditional games such as baseball continues to draw fans, crowds, and players from all over the world, there are some new games to be found when it comes to reinventing the game of catch.

“The ZipChip was created to put a new spin on the game of catch.” The ZipChip is a tiny, frisbee like object that can be thrown and caught in an intense, fast-paced game that is bursting with energy. The ZipChip fits succinctly in your pocket, and while it doesn’t take up much physical space, it can cover a lot of ground very quickly. “The throwing motion is most similar to skipping a stone,” their website advises.

With the ability to float and a waterproof design, this game can go straight from your grassy backyard to the beach or the pool. Alex Peru, Inventor of the ZipChip, had barely released his creation when copycats started attempting to produce tiny discs of their own.

Originally, his ZipChips were “labeled” with an engraving. This created a problem as copycat manufacturers attempted to overtake his USA based company with their own discs. Though the engraving of the company name and logo was etched onto each ZipChip, it was nearly impossible to see it clearly.

He immediately began seeking a method to set himself apart from the copycat designers, ultimately finding Polyfuze Graphics. Since the ZipChip itself is durable, waterproof, and meant to withstand years of abuse and exposure to the elements, it needed a label that could perform equally with those circumstances.

Polymer Fusion Labeling Technology is different from every other labeling technology out there because they’re 100% compatible and made from the exact same olefin-based materials that the plastic part, such as the ZipChip, is made of. Once the fusion process is complete, the two polyolefin materials, label and ZipChip, have combined to form one piece of seamless and flush polyolefin plastic with no change in durability or structural integrity.

In fact, one of my coworkers has a ZipChip she got for her son. After months of playing catch with it, he accidentally dropped it in the driveway, where it was subsequently run over multiple times by the family vehicles and exposed to the elements for days. They happened to catch a glimpse of it one day, retrieved it, and were happy to find both the ZipChip itself and the ZipChip Logo had survived and were 100% still usable and label intact.

If you’re into fast paced games, ZipChip is worth looking into. You can purchase them directly from their website, at zipchipsports.com. You’ll be picking up a fun new hobby to help keep active, while also supporting an American created and America-based, family owned company. Also, be sure to check out the fun photos on their Instagram, and see if you can get a cool photo featured!

Polyfuze Graphics Corporation enjoys partnering up with companies that are focused on bringing innovation and out of the box thinking when it comes to reinventing traditional sports, and we are happy to help set them apart from the copycats by providing them with durable labels that can truly stand up to the abuse, exposure to elements, and make sure their brand identity remains intact on each ZipChip.

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