How To Succeed When Labeling Municipal Waste Carts

Do you work for a municipality, or a waste hauler of durable plastic waste containers? If so, I want to let you in on something.

Chances are, you have been using hot stamps or in mold labels on your waste containers. Furthermore, chances are, you have no idea there is another option available which is proven to improve manufacturing cycle times and the overall production process associated with waste containers.

Better yet, this vibrant, easy to read, multi-color option is guaranteed to last for the life of your container!

This option has been around for 30 years, but it is relatively unknown by people in the Waste & Recycling Industry.

It’s called polymer fusion labeling and it was designed specifically to support low surface energy, olefin plastics like polypropylene and polyethylene. (The is the type of plastic most containers are made from).


If a better option is available, then why do most waste companies or municipalities use hot stamp foils?

The answer is they simply don’t know that there is another option out there which provides a cost-saving solution to many challenges associated with labeling plastic containers.

Unfortunately, hot stamp foils are not compatible with the type of plastic that waste containers are manufactured from.

Olefin plastic functions great as a waste container, but also rejects anything trying to stick to it because of its inherent low surface energy.

This problem creates a scenario in which labels inevitably fade, peel, scratch off and erode with continued exposure to weather or UV rays (as is always the case with waste containers that are exposed to the elements virtually all the time).

In the case of a hot stamp foil, you can run your finger across it and rub it off on the spot without much difficulty at all.

What does all of this mean? If you invest in an incompatible labeling technology for waste container plastic, it unfortunately means that you’ve just spent money, time, and effort to apply labels that are going to fail very quickly. The simple test of time will show that, but when you consider the added stresses and exposures that a waste container typically finds itself in, the failure accelerates.

Fusion Labeling For Consumer Goods & Children's Products​If purchasing a label that is going to fail sounds like a waste (pun intended) of time, effort, and not least of all, MONEY… well, rest assured, we agree with you!

We are happy to help you with a solution we are so confident of, that we offer it with a lifetime guarantee.

(Our labels will last for the life of the waste container, come rain, shine, pressure washing, or hazardous waste exposure)!

In fact, we say, “Bring it on!”

Some of our customers describe how fusion labels provided solutions for their labeling and process issues:

About the Author

Easy To Apply - Polyfuze Labeling Using the VERSAFLEX System

Easy To Apply Polyfuze Labels - Using Standard Hot Stamp / Heat Transfer Equipment

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